Things Tell Stories: National Conference by Schools for Holocaust Day

TARPT ISTORIN TEISING KOMISIJA        Balbieriškio_mokyklos_emblema

Balbieriškis Primary School, Klevų street no. 10, Balbieriškis, Lithuania
January 27, 2017

Conference program:


arrival, registration


opening, principal Stasys Valančius and International Commission executive director Ronaldas Račinskas

presentation of and speeches by guests

Balbieriškis history presented by teacher Rymantas Sidaravičius

musical welcome, artistic program

presentation of school communities


story of Puantai by Balbieriškis primary school

speech by Kaunas Jewish Community chairman Gercas Žakas

skit by Dvi markės Kaunas Technical Professional Training Center

Povilas Matulionis Pre-Gymnasium of Kupiškis, film and drama presentation

speech by Šiauliai Jewish Community chairman Josifas Buršteinas

“No matter how far we go, the past always catches up with us” by Veršvų high school fo Kaunas

Margarita Rimkevičaitė Services and Business School of Panevėžys “Story of a Straw Hat”




Kalvarija Gymnasium “Story of Silverware”

Atgimimas School of Druskininkai “Time Has Stopped”

Santara Gymnasium of Vilnius video story “Objects from a Ghetto Hideout”

Dramatic presentation by the Adolfas Ramanauskas-Vanagas Gymnasium of Alytus called “Hands of the Devil” and presentation of History of Rescuers project

Atžalynas Gymnasium of Kėdainiai presentation on Kėdainiai

Vladas Mironas Gymnasium of Daugai “Catch a Star!”

“Multicultural Community of Interwar Garliava ” by the Jonučiai Gymnasium and Pre-Gymnasium of Garliava

Kaunas Center of Young Tourists photojournalism on mass murder sites in Kaunas

Ąžuolas Gymnasium of Varėna “About What the Golden Watch Ticks”

speech by Sara Klompus of USA

conclusion of conference