Nominate an Outstanding Foundation Professional for the 2017 JJ Greenberg Award!


December 26, 2016

Hi Friend,

I wanted to remind you that we’re still collecting nominations for the JJ Greenberg Memorial Award (see the previous email below for more details.) Believe it or not, it’s almost the new year and after that there will only be two weeks until the deadline. Don’t leave it until the last minute!

Watch some of the past acceptance speeches for this award, and I know you’ll agree that it’s quite an honor for the recipient, and an important way for the Jewish philanthropic field to identify and promote excellence and commitment. Nominate someone now!

Call me if you have questions: 212-726-0177, x205.



From: Merav Fine
Sent: Monday, December 12, 2016
To: Jewish Community of Lithuania
Subject: Nominate an outstanding foundation professional for the 2017 JJ Greenberg Award!

Dear Friend,

Nominations are now open for the 2017 JJ Greenberg Memorial Award! The award honors foundation professionals engaged in grant-making, age 40 and under, who have demonstrated extraordinary leadership in Jewish philanthropy. I know you know someone—maybe more than one someone—who deserves this award. Help us give them some recognition!

The award was created and endowed by JJ’s family, friends, and colleagues following his untimely death in a traffic accident in 2002, at just 36. The award is presented annually to an individual who, like JJ, has exemplified the highest of Jewish values and the relentless pursuit of excellence in all aspects of life.

More information

Nominate someone now

Nomination deadline: Friday, Jan 13, 2017, 5:00 P.M. EST

JJ served as executive director of the Steinhardt Foundation/Jewish Life Network (JLN) from its inception in 1995, working closely with his father, Rabbi Irving “Yitz” Greenberg, the foundation’s president, and its chairman, Michael Steinhardt. JJ assisted in creating such landmark programs and institutions as Birthright Israel, the Makor/Steinhardt Center on Manhattan’s Upper West Side; the Partnership for Excellence in Jewish Education (PEJE), Synagogue Transformation and Renewal (STAR) and the Jewish Early Childhood Education Partnership. He also helped oversee national programs in conjunction with Hillel and the Jewish Heritage Program, among others.

JJ was a spontaneous personality who enjoyed a wide range of interests. Possessed of an infectious enthusiasm, he spoke fluent Hebrew, took great joy in his work, demonstrated great vision and achieved impressive results in all of his endeavors.

Recipients of the JJ Greenberg Memorial Award receive an item of Judaica and $5,000 to be used for professional development or tzedekah. The 2017 award will be presented in March at the JFN International Conference in Atlanta.

If you have any questions about this award, please feel free to reach out to me at


Merav Fine
Program Manager, Member Services
Jewish Funders Network
212-726-0177 x205


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