Writer and Thinker Tomas Venclova Condemns Street Named after Lithuanian Nazi in Vilnius

Tomas Venclova: „Škirpa nusipelnė gatvės ne daugiau negu Paleckis“

“Škirpa doesn’t deserve a street named after him any more than Paleckis does.”

Poet, writer, translator and intellectual professor Tomas Venclova, currently living in the U.S., is highly critical of a street in Vilnius still named after interwar Lithuanian diplomat and colonel Kazys Škirpa.

“I think Kazys Škirpa, who obsequiously served Hitler and worked with the Gestapo, has no more earned having a street named after him than has Justas Paleckis, who kowtowed to Stalin and worked with the NKVD,” Venclova said in a statement which was read at a discussion at the Old Town Hall in Vilnius.

“The argument that Škirpa was in favor of independence while Paleckis was against is demagogic and full of error. THey both attempted to preserve independence formally but not actually under the protection of totalitarian regimes, and both of them killed independence,” the professor of literature and one of the five founders of Lithuania’s Helsinki Group said.

Full story here.