Housing Development Next to Old Jewish Cemetery

Kuriasi senųjų žydų kapinių kaimynystėje

Surveying and infrastructure construction are already going on next to the old Jewish cemetery. A residential and recreational complex is to be built here.

by Viktorija Vaškytė, Pajūrio naujienos

When you see the stakes being driven in and the infrastructure being built in the meadow next to the old Jewish cemetery, residents of Kretinga, Lithuania are concerned that business activity is taking place right next to the place of eternal rest. Chief and senior architect of the Architectural and Territorial Development Department of the Kretinga regional administration Reda Kasnauskė says the regional administration has ordered land surveys of the old Jewish cemetery, so locals have probably seen surveyors measuring the site. She says the territory of the old Jewish cemetery is surrounded by legal plots of land and each one them may be measured and marked.

This is how the residential and recreational complex to be built next to the old Jewish cemetery will look. To the right: the topography of the future neighborhood.

Full story in Lithuanian here.