Unveiling of Apple Grove Sculpture Park Commemorating Jewish Rescuers at the Litvak Commemorative Garden

Gelbėtojų obelies atidengimas Litvakų atminimo sode (Medsėdžių kaime, Platelių seniūnijoje);

Congress of Residents of Šarnelė, 2016

August 13, Šarnelė Community Center, Plungė Region, Lithuania

Educational conference “They Lived in Šarnelė

10:30 Unveiling of Apple Orchard of Rescuers at the Litvak Commemorative Garden (Medsėdžiai Village, Plateliai Aldermanship);

12:00 Catholic Mass for the Šarnelė village community, for those who perished and those Šarnelė residents who survived deportation, and their friends;

1:00 Agape. Presentation of book by Tomas Viluckas;

2:00 Conference opening;

Road map

zemelapis Sarnele


Granting of honorary Šarnelė citizenship to Izra Blat.
Vilnius Old Town Hall MC Saulius Pilinkus

Hands Bringing Life and Bread. A recollection. Shared by Liba Rozenthal and Juozas Striaupis;

Mysterious are the Ways of the Lord. A recollection by Tomas Kerpauskas;

Welcome speech by first honorary citizen of Šarnelė Jonas Varkalys;

Discussion and tea time;

6:00 End of conference (summary, discussion of future events);

7:00 Concert.

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