Deputy Lithuanian Foreign Minister and LJC Chairwoman Visit Molėtai

Molėtai regional administration head Stasys Žvinys invited deputy Lithuanian foreign minister Mantvydas Bekešius and Lithuanian Jewish Community chairwoman Faina Kukliansky to a meeting June 10, during which they discussed protection of Jewish heritage and the renovation and upkeep of the old Jewish cemetery in Molėtai and Holocaust mass graves by the regional administration. They also spoke about the need to present rescuers of Jews, increased public sensitivity to Jewish issues and the organization of a March of Memory scheduled for August 29 in the town.

After the meeting the guests inspected the old Jewish cemetery and mass grave sites in the municipality of Molėtai.

“We are responding to the United Nations resolution calling for protection of the memory of Holocaust victims and it’s very important to us that these locations–the old Jewish cemetery, the mass grave sites–be solemn and be appropriately cared for. We have also contributed and will continue to contribute to holding the March of Memory in August to remember the death march in Molėtai seventy-five years ago, because it is very important to us that it take place smoothly in our city,” regional administrator Žvinys commented after the meeting.

Molėtuose lankėsi Lietuvos užsienio reikalų viceministras Mantvydas Bekešius ir Lietuvos žydų bendruomenės pirmininkė Faina KuklianskyMolėtai Susitikimas