Panevėžys Jewish Community Marks Victory Day

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The Panevėžys Jewish Community marked Victory Day on May 8 and 9. On May 8 members laid wreaths at a monument to Jews murdered in the Holocaust. Candles were lit and honor was paid to the dead, both in the city and in Europe at large, to those who were murdered during World War II at mass murder sites in Panevėžys and more than 200 other mass murder sites around Lithuania. Almost no Jewish eyewitnesses survived in Panevėžys.

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Panevėžys Jewish Community members later walked to a monument dedicated to the defenders of Panevėžys and Eastern Lithuania. About 80,000 Red Army soldiers died liberating Lithuania from the Nazi occupation. Many of them were Jews who fought in the 16th Lithuanian Division.

A meal was arranged at the Community where war veterans, victims of the siege of Leningrad and ghetto and concentration camp inmates sat down together, including Yuri Smirnov, Irena Giedraitienė, Yefim Grafman and others. A minute of silence was observed for the dead. Aleksandr Gantsev, senior advisor at the embassy of the Russian Federation to Lithuania, attended and congratulated all Community members with the victory celebration, and wished all the veterans strength and good health. He said the Jews of Europe suffered from German Naziism more than another people.

On May 9 Community members and members of the public visited the cemetery on Ramygala street where they paid their respects at the statue to the unknown soldiers of the Soviet army who laid down their lives in the battle against Naziism.