Happy Birthday, Simas Levinas!

Happy birthday to Simas Levinas on his 70th birthday! Simas has been and is both an initiator and one of the most active members of the Lithuanian Jewish Community from its modern inception and earlier was the first principal and intellectual leader of the Sholem Aleichem school, among other things. He spoke forcefully and clearly for the creation of that school. Now that the Sholem Aleichem ORT Gymnasium is one of the best rated in Lithuania, no one questions the need for a Jewish school anymore. Currently Simas is doing very important work as both the head of the LJC’s Social Center and as the chairman of the Jewish Religious Community. Always bright, cultured, intelligent and professional, Simas greets everyone with a smile and is ready to talk to everyone without anger or rancor. He is also very moral man, and these qualities make him stand out in any crowd.

Happy Birthday, Simas. Allow us to wish you even more success and that good health would follow you always. Cheerfulness makes us all look younger than our years. You have chosen a meaningful and long path and you have lit up the hearts of those around you with love. Please accept our small thanks today and may your winning smile never fade from your face. Many happy and beautiful days lie ahead. The contented and generous heart never grows old and gray! May you live to at least 120!

Mazl tov!

Many came to give warm wishes and presents to Simas on this milestone occasion. For snapshots from the celebration, click here.