Lithuania to Investigate Jewish Treasures Stolen by Nazis

March 23, BNS–Investigation into cultural treasures the Nazis stole from Jews in Lithuania has begun, the newspaper Lietuvos žinios reports.

Last week a meeting of the International Commission for Assessing the Crimes of the Nazi and Soviet Occupational Regimes in Lithuania reached agreement on conducting several large studies, commission chairman Emanuelis Zingeris confirmed. He said the Rosenberg task force drew up lists of rare and valuable items held by Jewish organizations, libraries and museums before the war even started. “So we’re asking for additional research, which is being performed by researchers in Lithuania and abroad. I believe we will approach the German Government on with a request for clarification, because there shouldn’t be any lingering doubts regarding this,” Zingeris said.

He also spoke about the items listed in the book “Lietuvos inkunabulai” [Incunabula of Lithuania] by Nojus Feigelmanas from the Strashun library in Vilnius. “There are clear indications there were four incunabula in this library in Hebrew which the Germans took. The incunabula were printed in an Italian city in 1475. They are priceless,” Zingeris commented. His commission’s work was resumed by presidential decree in the fall of 2012. After a break of eight years, the renewed commission met again in 2013. As reported at that time, the commission only discussed technical and financial issues at that meeting. The chairman said the subcommittee investigating crimes of the Soviet occupational regime would meet in early summer this year.
