Swedish MEP: Aid to Palestinians Should Depend on Rejecting Terrorism

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BRUSSELS (EJP)—EU aid to the Palestinian Authority (PA) should be linked to the clear pre-condition of an actual Palestinian renouncement of hate and all kinds of violence, member of European Parliament Lars Adaktusson (EPP, Christian Democrat) said while addressing a multi-party Middle East Peace Process Conference he hosted with the Brussels-based Israel advocacy group EIPA (Europe Israel Public Affairs) last week.

Adaktusson’s comments came as serious strains were showing in the EU-Israel relationship due to the EU’s decision last November to issue guidelines for the labeling of Israeli products from beyond the 1967 Green Line.

Addressing fellow MEPs and high profile EU representatives as well as Israeli officials, Adaktusson, a former journalist, stated:

“Ten years ago I was appointed Middle East correspondent for Swedish National Television. Personally and on a daily basis I experienced and reported on violence and terror attacks in Israel and the Palestinian areas. Regrettably, not much has changed since then.”

He continued “Politically responsible for the Palestinian propaganda and today’s serious developments is the Palestinian leadership and notably president Mahmoud Abbas. The president’s direct support for terrorist attacks against Israeli civilians is as obvious as it is unacceptable. And let’s face it: the image of Mahmoud Abbas as a reliable partner for peace, a representative of democracy and non-violence, is incorrect and false.

“For peace to become a reality President Abbas needs to put an end to Palestinian violence, and the personal propaganda visits to the families of Palestinian terrorists. Furthermore, he needs once and for all to take action against corruption. The system with salaries paid from the PA budget to jailed Palestinian terrorists has to be abolished. Money transfers to NGOs campaigning for hatred against Israel have to stop.”

He stressed that his country, Sweden, will contribute approximately €150 million in bilateral aid and humanitarian assistance to the PA over the coming five years. “Together with support and donations from other member countries and the EU funding, we are talking about huge amounts of money. Huge amounts that risk ending up in the wrong pockets,” he warned.

“I believe the EU should stop sneaking around this issue by continuing to make large wire transfers to PA bank accounts. We need to be firm. Much of this aid is counterproductive, just as counterproductive as the labeling of products from settlements.

“Instead, we need to support and facilitate activities and projects that foster respect for human rights and democratic values in Palestinian society. At the same time, while we are engaged in state-building measures with funds and expertise, we should link all EU funds to the clear condition of an actual Palestinian renouncement of hate and all kinds of violence.’’

“As political representatives, as decision makers, we have a responsibility not only to European tax payers, but also to people who are in need of our humanitarian support. For the sake of the most vulnerable, the most affected Palestinians, we are obliged to make sure that development aid from the EU is channeled in an accurate manner–to Palestinian organizations and stakeholders that promote and stand for peace, democracy and human rights. That is the single most effective way, and the most candid way, to assist the Palestinian people,” MEP Lars Adaktusson said.

Full story here.