Panevėžys Youth Learn about Israel


Liana Jagniatinskytė of the Israeli embassy in Vilnius told an audience at the Margarita Rimkevičaitė School of Technology about Israel on January 13, 2016. She spoke to a full auditorium on Israel’s history, latest scientific achievements and innovation. Among other things, attendees learned Israeli medicine is considered the best in the world, and thousands of patients from around the world flock to Israel annually for treatment. The audience eagerly listened to how the State of Israel arose and thrived in the desert sands to become an exporter of agricultural goods with three growing seasons in what seems like the harshest and most unlikely of environments. The audience appeared most interested in learning about the Israeli military, where both boys and girls aged 18 serve. Jagniatinskytė also touched upon political issues and current events in her presentation, and spoke about the threat of terrorism. Students and members of the Panevėžys Jewish Community who helped organize this event in concert with the Israel embassy asked questions at the end of the presentation. School director Tautvydas Anilionis ended the event by presenting souvenirs to Israeli embassy representatives and said these sorts of meetings are very necessary in educating the young people of Panevėžys.