Lithuanian Prime Minister Meets American Jewish Committee Delegation


Lithuanian prime minister Algirdas Butkevičius and first deputy chancellor of the Government Rimantas Vaitkus have met with members of the American Jewish Committee. In the meeting, Lithuania’s efforts to restore historical justice and preserve the Jewish cultural heritage in the country were underlined, close cooperation between the Government and the Lithuanian as well as international Jewish communities was noted, and opinions and insights into international developments were shared.

“Members of the Committee, thank you for your visit in Lithuania at this significant period for our country, with the approaching commemoration of the events of January 13 and the 25th anniversary of statehood. At present we pay tribute to those killed for independence, the heroes of our country”, Butkevičius said.

Executive director of the American Jewish Committee David Harris said that the time of the visit in Lithuania was not accidental; it is because members of the Committee wanted to express their solidarity with the Lithuanian nation. He noted the American Jewish Committee had been among the first US non-governmental organizations which urged the US administration to recognize Lithuanian independence.

Prime minister Butkevičius thanked them for US support of Lithuania, its constant presence and visibility both in Lithuania and the entire region.

The prime minister also stressed he has been particularly pleased by the excellent cooperation with the Lithuanian and the international Jewish communities. “Together we tackle complicated issues, together we commemorate painful historical dates, and together we celebrate festivals, while our fruitful discussions enable us achieve concrete results”, the head of the Lithuanian Government said.

The situation in Ukraine and the migration crisis in Europe were discussed during the meeting.

The American Jewish Committee is a Jewish advocacy group established in 1906. It is one of the oldest Jewish advocacy organizations in the US. Its key area of focus is promoting religious and civil rights for Jews internationally. The Committee also fights discrimination in the US and works for social equality. The organization has 22 regional offices in the United States, 9 overseas offices, and 32 international partnerships with Jewish communities around the world

From the Lithuanian Prime Minister’s Office.