Lithuanian President: Israel Ready to Help with Security

VILNIUS, October 21, BNS–Lithuanian president Dalia Grybauskaitė met with Israeli prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu on Tuesday and said the country could provide direct assistance to Lithuania in the field of security.

“Israel is willing to help Lithuania directly in the field of security by way of training our armed forces, in cyber-security and even by organizing a training course for our security,” Grybauskaitė said after the meeting in Israel.

She also emphasized that Europe should be more active in its efforts to help regulate the Israel-Palestine conflict.

“The developments in this region have a major effect upon Europe and the migration crisis, and if things are not made right here and peace in this region is not achieved, not only between Palestine and Israel but also between Syria and other countries, such as Egypt, it is clear that the migration from Africa and this region will hit Europe. Therefore, Europe should be more active,” Grybauskaitė said in a statement circulated by the Lithuanian presidential press service.

The Lithuanian president said she invited Netanyahu to come to Vilnius and he “kindly agreed to come some day.”