United Jewish Community Advocacy Relations and Enrichment letter

Dear Mrs. Faina Kukliansky,
On behalf of the United Jewish Community Advocacy Relations and Enrichment (UJCare) and our special project “Admas Kodesh” which is dedicated for the preservation of Jewish Cemeteries around the world and who works very closely with the esteemed Grand Rabbi Elyakim Schlesinger and his Committee for the preservation of Jewish Cemeteries in Europe, we would like to extend our best wishes and blessings to the Honourable Prime Minister of Lithuania and his entourage upon his State visit to the Holy Land.
We have recently met with Lithuania’s Consul General in New York Mr. Julius Pranevičius 
together with heads of Major Jewish Organizations and Lay leaders of the U.S. Jewish Community to convey our thanks to the Lithuanian Government on the sensitivity and respect they show for the Vilnius Snipiskes Cemetery preservation.
Here is some of the links in English; 
or in Hebrew
May the Almighty God grant the Lithuanian Prime Minister much success and prosperity in all his endeavours.
Please convey this message to the Prime Minister.
 Gary Schlesinger
Executive Board Chairman
United Jewish Community Advocacy Relations and Enrichment
445 Park Avenue
Brooklyn, N.Y. 11205
Twitter: @UJCARE
Twitter: @GarySchlesinger
Twitter: @AdmasKodesh