Israel Gives New Life Direction to Photographer Milda Rūkaitė

Israel Gives New Life Direction to Photographer Milda Rūkaitė

She was happy about winning the highest score in the photography contest and was already leaving through the door satisfied when she heard she won not a single category but took all categories as Best New Talent in the competition held in Jerusalem. Milda Rūkaitė achieved this success back in 2009 but still happily recalls and savors the victory, Stilius [Style] magazine of the Lithuanian newspaper Lietuvos rytas reports.

Winning the contest allowed her to fulfill one of her dreams: to photograph Shimon Peres, when he was still the president of Israel. … Milda didn’t go looking for it, but one job came to her: the mayor of the
city of Arad, Tali Ploskov, approached the Lithuanian woman to become his personal photographer. …

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