Opinion: If you doubt benefits of conscription, look at Israel

Darius Degutis, former ambassador of Lithuania to Israel
The decision of the Lithuanian Seimas to re-introduce conscriptionwas welcome. It was a crucial step not only because of the growing geopolitical threat but more importantly because it builds a healthy, solid and Western society and a state that has confidence in itself.
The debate on calling up young people to the army is currently underway. What’s shocking is that there are suggestions that serving your country and the security of Lithuania is a duty first and foremost of unemployed, homeless young men and even criminals. One gets the impression that the authors of this “idea” still see Lithuania’s armed forces today through the prism of the Soviet army where brute physical aggression and crass , absurd obedience dominated, eliminating any kind of thinking. It was no accident that during the Soviet times we threatened with the maxim “if you fail school, you go to the army”.

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