WJC Announcement

WJC Announcement

As you know, the United Nations Human Rights Council (UNHRC) has decided to establish a Commission of Inquiry (COI) to investigate Israel’s operations in the recent Gaza confrontation, to the consternation of our global Jewish community. The UNHRC has chosen Professor William Schabas to head the COI, known for his negative attitudes and biased pronouncements concerning Israel. We are attaching a backgrounder on the UNHRC and William Schabas which we believe will be very useful to you in your role as community leaders when you educate your members and constituents as to this counter-productive step taken by the UNHRC that demonstrates its ongoing anti-Israel bias. This COI was called for in a recent UNHRC resolution that condemned Israel for its actions in Gaza and made absolutely no mention of Hamas. We believe that this one-sided resolution will no doubt result in a prejudiced outcome that will only serve to once again single out Israel for blame. We are sending you the attached document that states our current position.
Kindly circulate this material to your membership since it is crucial that community leadership be fully apprised as to developments concerning Israel in the United Nations. The WJC will keep you informed as we continue to advocate for the fair treatment of Israel in the United Nations.
This is to advise you that this notice is not a call for any action on your part but mainly for you to know that we are monitoring the situation and will report to you further.