Campaign to Support Israeli Soldiers

Campaign to Support Israeli Soldiers

 The Lithuanian Jewish Community and many Lithuanians who heard the call came to the Community on Wednesday, July 23, 2014, to support Israeli soldiers who are defending their country from rocket attacks by Hamas aimed at cities throughout Israel. Community members responded to the call not to remain indifferent at this time when great difficulties are facing their fellow Jews in Israel, who have been forced to live in fear and terror in their own country, while the international community lacks the needed resolve and unity to take action to support Israel, a thriving economic powerhouse and the only democracy in the Middle East.

 Community members in attendance spanned the generations and entire families showed up with children and grandparents. Žana Skudovičienė, whose son in Israel was called up for military duty this week, addressed the assembled. She said her son was not yet in the Gaza Strip but is being trained for active military duty.

 A video was screened during the meeting of images from the funerals of soldiers who died in Gaza, filled with farewells for fallen fellow soldiers.

 LJC chair Faina Kukliansky spoke about how important it is to explain all our friends and colleagues in Lithuania that Israel has no other option but to defend its territory from attackers. Everyone seems to have forgotten the thousands of rockets which flew out of Gaza during the first two weeks of the conflict, most of which Israel’s Iron Dome system prevented from reaching their intended targets. There were no mass protests against the attacks by the terrorists of Hamas around the world at that time, Kukliansky noted. If not for Iron Shield, we don’t know if Israel would have survived that onslaught, she said. Large demonstrations by Muslims in the cities of Europe and Asia only began when Israel decided to enter the Gaza Strip and destroy the tunnels filled with weapons which fan out underground from under Palestinian schools and hospitals and the United Nations school there to Israeli kibbutzim and cafeterias. Israel is not making war on peaceful civilians, Kukliansky explained. Before each and every attack, Palestinians are warned personally and asked to vacate locations where tunnels are to be blown up. The rockets are being launched from these tunnels built under buildings, she said. Hamas is not allowing its people to flee the battlefield.

A doctor who has emigrated from Lithuania named Vadim also addressed the hall. A rocket fired by the terrorists fell near Vadim’s home in Tel Aviv and he himself was called upon to provide first aid in a Gaza tunnel. Masha, who was graduated from the Vilna Jewish Gymnasium and now serves in the Israeli Army, spoke of her unit stationed only a few hundred yards from the Gaza Strip.

Community member Daumantas Todesas: “The young soldiers are defending democracy in the region as well the State of Israel.”

Miša Jakobas, director of the Sholem Aleichem Gymasium: “The soldiers are going to war so that we will have an Israel! What do comments about the disproportionate use of force mean? Is allowing them to attack Israel for two weeks without stop proportional? I bow my head to the bravery and discipline of the soldiers!”

Amite Belaitė, president of the LJC’s Student Club, repeated the words of Israel’s famous first female prime minister, Golda Meir: “Peace will come when the Arabs will love their children more than they hate us.”

Synagogue cantor Shmuel Yuslim performed kaddish, a prayer for the dead, for the fallen soldiers.

For those interested in donating to the campaign to support Israel’s soldiers, please make money transfers to:

Beneficiary: Lietuvos žydų (Litvakų) bendruomenė

Bank: AB SEB bankas

Bank address: Gedimino pr. 12

IBAN: LT097044060000907953


The purpose of the transfer must be indicated as “parama Izraelio kariams” (“support to Israeli soldiers”).

 We also invite you to make symbolic gestures of support for and to the soldiers (letters, cards, souvenirs, etc.). Any support at all right now during these days filled with danger and uncertainty are very important to the soldiers of Israel.

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Am Yisrael Khai! Long live the people of Israel!